Personal Statement
As a New Zealand born American, who's birthday falls on Independence Day, I've always had a strong affinity with all things American; especially sport! However, as my father did before me, my first and foremost goal is to attend an American University as a student-athlete and earn a degree because at some point we all have to hang up our cleats. Having said that, I love the game of baseball. Being in Taiwan as part of the New Zealand national team taught me what a privilege it is to practice and play every day while we were on tour. The same would hold true for me in earning a roster spot at an American University.
For the past 3 years I have been fortunate enough to be selected as a Don Oliver Youth Sport Foundation Scholar Athlete for which I am very proud to be a part of. Since its inception 24 years ago there hasn't been a single Olympics or Commonwealth Games without at least 1 past recipient; not to mention several athletes who have attended American Universities for a variety of sports. As their first baseball scholar athlete, it would be an honor for me to carry on their rich tradition and give back to Don Oliver one day for the belief and support they have given me.
My work ethic is an area that I take very seriously in order to make myself the best version of me that I can be. During the 2020 winter offseason, I was invited to Sparta Athlete Performance where I was voted by my peers as the hardest worker of the group. Of particular importance to me was that I met all of my goals to get bigger, stronger, faster. In doing so, I added 15lbs to reach my ideal baseball weight, added 6mph to my exit velocity, 8mph to my arm velocity and shaved a half second off of my 60yd dash. Currently, I am again taking part in Sparta Athlete Performance as well as weekly sessions with Daisuke Hiro who is the Director of Medical and Conditioning for the Auckland Tuatara as well as the Baseball New Zealand Trainer and Physiotherapist in order to make myself "college ready".
As a ballplayer, I believe I have the versatility and athleticism to be a pitcher, play infield or outfield and to earn a starting position on the diamond is goal #1 of my collegiate baseball aspirations, which is quickly followed by helping my team be the best it can be.
In closing and in as much the same way as Steven Adams has done for basketball in New Zealand, I would love to be in a position to be able to give back to baseball and inspire the youth of New Zealand.
Thank you,
Joshua Welts