Personal Statement
Dear Coaches
My name is Ethan Christopher Buckley, and I am an 18 years old baseball player from Cape Town, South Africa.
From the first time I picked up a baseball at the age of 5, I knew that baseball destined to become a huge part of my life. I have been fortunate to be part of a very sport orientated family, where both my Mom and Dad have represented our country's National Teams in both Baseball and Softball respectively.
Playing numerous sports at a high level, throughout the years, I recently made an important decision to focus primarily on Baseball as I understand that, that is what it would take for me to reach my goal of playing and studying in the US.
Coming from a family, where a degree is not common, and living in a country where the unemployment rate is 40%, I have made my studies a priority in order to acquire the degree of my choice, with sport taking up roughly 80% of my life I felt it was the obvious choice to pursue studying sports science, although I am a very open minded person and am definitely flexible with my career path.
Sports people are stereotypically very competitive people, I am no different, throughout my baseball career I have played at several national tournaments as well as two international tournaments namely the WBSC u15 Baseball World Cup, Panama, 2018 and the WBSC u18 Men's Softball World Cup, New Zealand, 2020, apart from national and international events I was also part of the MLB Africa program from 2016-2019, during this time period I attended the MLB European All-Star Cadet Camp in Regensburg, Germany.
As a sportsmen and a individual I have never been content with the level I am at and have always strived to get to the next level and continuously better my craft, I have realized that in order to do so my pathway is through college baseball, College baseball to my knowledge is of a very high standard, I crave the competitiveness and the challenge and have no doubt in my mind that I will compete.