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- Sample Video
Personal Statement
Dear Coach,
My name is Sam Small. I am 14 years old. On my profile it says that I attend Belvedere J.S but I actually attend Blackrock College. I said I attended Belvdere J.S because it was the only school from Dublin, Ireland (where I am from). I am 5 ft 10" and can run 20 meters in just under 3 seconds. My family and friends think that I will never succeed in American Football because I am Irish but I am determined to prove them wrong. The main sport I play is rugby. I play full-back because I have great hands( hence why I think I would be a good wide-receiver). Rugby requires you to be good at both offense and defense so I I think I could really play anywhere. I start full-back for the 'Under 14 'a' team for Blackrock which is probably the best rugby school in Ireland. I achieved 7 A's and 3 B's in my Christmas Exam in first year( when I was 13). Almost every week-end I play American Football with my friends. If you read my profile you will see my sporting stats. I would love if you could take an interest in me and contact me at [email protected] or my Irish mobile on 353 85 206 5578. Thank you for reading this.
Sam Small