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Marcos Martinez ‘23 Recruiting Profile

  • Juan XXIII
  • Montería , INTERNATIONAL
  • Football
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Marcos Martinez's Football Recruiting Profile
Prim. Position:
Sec. Position:
40 Yard Dash

Personal Statement

Well, I would like to reach a level, a level that I had never believed I could reach even though I was capable of myself, of trusting in myself, my aspirations such as being a good example to follow, someone capable of evolving day after day both athletically and academically, because as a person I am someone who chooses to do good rather than be tempted by evil and the perversity of the world.

What makes me an eligible candidate is that I am someone capable of training day, afternoon, night and dawn, without making excuses, because despite not having experience on the field of play, I love the sport and when I train by myself, I am capable of delving into the depths of it, because I am capable.

My character, I am a good example to follow, I am someone different from anyone else in this generation and I always like to give advice to the little ones, I like discipline, I don't like going out to parties, I prefer to lock myself in to plan the next day, I have not taken a single drop of alcohol and it is not because I am religious or because I do not like it, but rather than seeing it as a necessity, a common good, or because people like it, I rather see it as something that is included in fashion and because it is fashionable in the human being, I do not see it as something necessary.

Athletically I improve overnight, I am able to adapt to new environments quickly and effectively, once I set foot on the field of play, there is nothing but my team, me and my ball, there are many more words to describe this.

Academically I am very good, I am able to learn things that can be somewhat difficult to be something simple, I am quick to take action on the matter when I do not understand specific things and from one moment to the next I know how to solve any type of tasks, exams or even. projects that involve academic work, and their environment. 


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