Personal Statement
As I'm approaching the latter end of my Junior year, I am getting more experienced in the whole college application process. My dream is to play football at a D1 college in the US, but since I have very little opportunity, as I'm residing in Singapore where not only is there little to no football recognition but because of COVID we had to postpone the season and turn into teams of 4, achieving this goal is proven to be more difficult than anticipated. Despite all these setbacks, I don't let it stop me from getting better whether that be watching film, going to the gym, or running plays with a few teammates during the offseason. Something I believe that sets me apart from others - along with my determination - is my ability to read a defense. The school I attend is quite a challenging one as it is one of the top schools in its respective region: Singapore American School. Because of this academic advantage, I can see it help me a lot on the football field as it makes me a better quarterback. Because of my promise in this sport, no matter what difficulties I experience, I'll always find a way to do football as I feel as I am not even close to being done playing. I will adapt however a coach needs me to and put all of my effort into everything I do because, at the end of the day, it benefits me which in turn would benefit the team. If the opportunity shows itself, I know I will be able to compete at any level.