Personal Statement
At the age of seven years old basketball has been an integral part of my life. Basketball has taught me to persevere through pain and hardships and has also shown me the true meaning of teamwork, family and dedication. I've put in countless hours perfecting my craft, becoming a consistent player and focusing on being a team player and role model at all times. I've sacrificed partying and going out with friends at times, because I believe that if I manifest on the basketball court and pay off in the future. My focus and development in basketball in recent years, has helped me to realize my potential and the bigger picture. My family, coaches and teachers support me to the fullest extent, by helping me to become a young man on and off the court. I understand that being a student is first and foremost. Therefore, I make it a priority to put forth my best effort in the classroom, maintaining a 3.7 GPA. My mom also stresses that student comes before athlete, teaching me that without an education I have nothing. I believe that if i continue to dedicate my time and put the work in the classroom and on the court with the right guidance, I will be able to play among the best players at the next level.