Personal Statement
I first touched a basketball at age 5. At first it was just something I tried because I saw it in a movie that I liked, but it was in middle school where it became my passion. I would play whenever I could, trying to become the best player I could be. It was in 8th grade that I realized that I wanted to try and play at the collegiate level. Every workout, every rep I did was towards the goal of possibly getting to play the sport I love at a high level. Living in Seoul, South Korea not many pursue sports beyond high school, even though some were good enough to play at the next level. But I don't want my career to end after high school. In my life, I've learned to bet on myself, and even though the odds are stacked against me, I'm willing to bet on myself, and I am confident that I can play at the next level. I'm looking for any coach who is willing to give me a chance, a shot to play at a high level. And while some say I'm not good enough, it only lights a fire in me to prove them wrong.