My name is Ademide Ade-Ojo, and I proudly represent both Nigerian and British heritage. Standing at 6'4" with a wingspan spanning 7 feet, my versatility allows me to excel across all positions from 1 to 5 on the basketball court. Yet, beyond physical prowess, I firmly uphold the significance of mental fortitude in basketball. From the gritty streets of Nigeria to the grand arenas of the United Kingdom, I've honed not only my physical skills but also my mental resilience. Basketball, to me, transcends mere sport; it embodies a lifelong passion, a testament to the fusion of skill and mindset. In essence, for me, Ball is Life.
High School Information
Years w/ Varsity:
2 years
Varsity Starter:
1 year
2024 Varsity Team
Starter - Jersey: #77
2023 Varsity Team
Jersey: #77
Team Awards:
Conference 2nd Place
Coach References
High School Head Coach
Rhea Taylor
Private Coach
Ta'yani Clark
Andrew Reid
Both Private training one on one and team training with competitive basketball teams
7 Years
I began my training at 10 years old in Nigeria, where I was a member of an elite basketball training session focused on developing young talent in Nigeria. Next, I moved to the UK and trained with former WNBA players and NBL Division 1 teams such as the Runnymede Raptors. Now, I am playing for the Runneymede Raptors Division 1 team and my American high school Varsity basketball team.
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Test Scores
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High School Information
High School:
TASIS The American School
Academic Accomplishments
Honors Classes:
Yes. History, English, Pre Calculus, Spanish, Chemistry, Band, Drawing and Painting
AP Classes:
Yes. AP Physics 1
Registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center?
Awards, Achievements and Activities
Presidential Academic Merit Award
Most Outstanding English Student
Honour Student
UkMT Math Olympiad Bronze.
Auto Repair Shop Apprenticeship (6 weeks)
Architecture Firm Apprenticeship (6 weeks)
Jazz Band Drummer (8 years)
Art (Drawing and Painting) (8 years)
Chess (6 years)
3D Modeling (5 years)
Debate club (1 Year)
MUN (1 year).
My Info
Contact Information
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Mailing Address
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