Personal Statement
I am a really hard worker. When I put my mind into something I do it the best I can. I am also a really good golfer with a handicap of +2.6 in the usga.
I am a really hard worker. When I put my mind into something I do it the best I can. I am also a really good golfer with a handicap of +2.6 in the usga.
Statistic | 2021 Club/Trave | ||||||
Handicap | 2 | ||||||
18 Hole Avg. | 74.4 | ||||||
18 Hole Low | 70 | ||||||
9 Hole Low | 33 | ||||||
9 Hole Avg. | 36 | ||||||
Avg. Drive (yds) | 285-290 | ||||||
Putts per 18 | 28 | ||||||
Driving Accuracy | 60% | ||||||
Sand Save Pct. | 83% | ||||||
Longest Drive | 323 |
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