Personal Statement
My name is Mikkel Bro Strauss and I play hockey in Denmark. I have had a dream of playing hockey at the collegiate level since I lived a year in the states in 2018, and I have always wanted to play sports on as high a level as possible. I used to play a lot of sports, which include soccer, tennis and ski racing, but I opted to put all my time and effort into hockey.
I have always been told across all different sports and activities that I am an extremely hardworking kid that receives information like a sponge, and very coachable. I love the grind and always try to be better when I get of the ice then when I went on.
I live alone in Denmark as of summer 2022, while my parents live back in Norway with my little sister. I moved back to continue chasing my dream of playing hockey. I used to live in a collegium, but I have moved since moving back to Denmark and now I live in an apartment with one other teammate, still in Denmark.
As of December 2023, I have had strength and skating tests with my current team. My results are as following:
Bench 5RM; 105kg
Squat 5RM; 165kg
Trapbar deadlift 1RM; 210
Pull ups; 13
Broadjump; 252cm
Skating test 30M; 4,10 seconds