Personal Statement
HELLO…I hope all is well there. I am EMRE from Turkeyand I am a semi Professional soccer player here and play in team of my university now. I am applying you cause of havingthe chance of playing at your university.
Since my childhood I ve played in my first and high schoolteams same time while im playing in ÇUBUK SPORTFOOTBALL CLUB as an amateur player.
Now im 19 and i want to have a Professional life that allplanned by me and Professional coaches like you. Here, evenin universities, there is any Professional facility and system somy all talent and my all trainings being for nothing here. (After my explanations you can recognize that how badsystem and pitches here in my videos)
So as a ready soldier, im waiting the join your army, sir.. Imready to Show my all talent and art to the World with my allambitions..
--my best talent is making the chance of shooting to myteammates
--im good at making so succesfull through balls
---i use dead balls so quality, especially corner kicks…i makea hat to my friends with ball..
---my running ability is so long and quality
---my positions knowledge is really cant give a wrong pass to me even you want to give it properly
---the control of regions : i exactly know that where is myfriends at that time
---i know the dribbling times so well and i make it good
---i can shoot from all distances.. my legs are strong to do it from everywhere..
--my finishing is better than an average striker
---im so effected and clever in tight places and set games
---since my childhood ive played in snow,ice,rain,storm, underthe sun etc. So im im available to play in every away matches
---im not party boy so nothing can effect my Professional player life
---coaches can trust me to give the all burden(?) of all game, taking all responsbilities are pleasure for me in pitch just likereal man and Professional.
---succesfully play making from behind of the team when i come to back area and when i play as midfielder
---im really good at seeing and directing empty spaces
---my second best talent is i steal ball so many times with myso quality pressure (suitable for gegenpress ideals)
---im totally natural leader of the pitch
--- mainly im playing in offensive playmaker and i wasplaying central midfielder in my club and high school..
---my height 1.70m and im 63 kilos so its making me so fastand strong
--i should improve my head hits.
--im not good at defending the dead balls in our penalty area
--my left foot is weaker than my native foot in shooting so i work everyday to make it like other one
Its okay in other situations..only shooting needs to improveand im working a lot to make it perfect
Im letting my 2 highlight videos’ links here.. I hope you willrecognize that how much clever strong and fast i am.. ı hopewe will raise together in our fights ! one day i will be a legendof WEST HAM UNITED…i hope you will help me to reachthat.