Personal Statement
Changes in the life of any person are inevitable, no matter how ready we are for the changes in our lives. I have had to learn as both an athlete and as a student. In the two instances where I have had to move countries. Both times that I have had to move from one country to another, I have had to leave the relationships that I have had behind in order to focus and try to make sure that I am facing the current challenges. This was something that impacted my communication skills and confidence when playing football due to the fact that I was not always able to communicate correctly with either my teammates or my classmates due to the language barrier that I had faced. This latter was able to motivate me into making sure to get my confidence back and to believe in myself, knowing that I had accomplished something that I had set myself to achieve. This is also something that has now made me try to be the type of person who will try to make sure that people feel integrated whenever they have had to face changes such as the ones that I have had to face.