Personal Statement
My Name is Elijah Lawrence-Gate'te, am i 16years old and attending 12th grade in school. I envision my college years to be a period of personal growth. My goal is to explore a Finance major.Education is very important in my family, so achieving outstanding grade reports and succeeding in student athlete scholarship is where i would like to stand. On the pitch i plan to be a positive asset for the team and coach, to strive for great success in what i love. I train 3 times a week for a soccer academy in the UK known as PERSONAL BEST SOCCER ACADEMY, where i train my hardest in order to reach full potential, the other days of the weeks i am either studying, playing matches or Training my self, in key areas for my position such as vision, agility and game related attributes such as ball control, passing and shooting. As well as this, i train my self mentally, which i believe is a major aspect in sport, because if you mentality is not right you are not able to reach your goals, therefore i have great confidence and belief in myself. Moreover I participate in a fitness activity of my own everyday, building muscular and cardiovascular strength. As I grow both physically and mentally throughout my college football career, I will endeavour to obtain a first team role, and a key player in the team. Most importantly, I will conduct myself with honour and respect on and off the pitch, knowing how i represent my self it reflects the Coach, Players and the school i attend. I never give up on and off the field and leave nothing of myself at the end of a game. When the other team is winning, it aspires me to work harder. I am not content to be anything but the best i will study longer, train harder, and keep pushing until I accomplish my goals and the ones of Coaches.As a college student i will express my loyalty, dedication, perseverance and diligence, to my everyday life to become an impact and influential players, becoming a strong link in the team.