I have been kicking a ball from the time I started learning how to walk. Soccer has and will always be my life, and to have the opportunity to play in university makes it even better. I would be the best candidate for your team because I am an outgoing social person. I have played on many different teams before and always fit right in. I was captain of my club and was by far the most vocal person in the league. After switching over to goalkeeper I became twice as more vocal, twice the better leader, and twice the better player. What separates me from other players and goalkeepers is that I am an all-around athlete. Basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, long-distance, and water polo are all sports I enjoy playing but are all sports I competed in and won in. After switching schools in seventh grade, I thought making friends and adjusting to the IB would be difficult, but it wasn't. I was not shy and tried to get the best relationship possible with my peers and teachers. I made really good friends who helped me make more serious connections in the soccer world in The Bahamas. Switching to the IB was not an easy task, but I was able to understand what was happening around me and got and maintained good grades. Some classes were more difficult than others but I would always give 110 percent of what I had.
High School Information
Years w/ Varsity:
1 year
Varsity Starter:
1 year
2020 Varsity Team
Starter - Jersey: #1
Team Awards:
DNF due to COVID-19
2019 Junior Varsity Team
Starter - Jersey: #11
Team Awards:
National Champs
2018 Junior Varsity Team
Starter - Jersey: #11
Team Awards:
National Champs
Club Information
Seasons of Club Experience:
3 seasons
2019 Renegades FC
2018 Renegades FC
2017 Renegades FC (Leauge)
Coach References
Avery Kemp
High School Head Coach
Craig Massey
Mens National Team
2 Years
I have been training with the men's national team, going on to the second year. I was selected to play in a friendly match against Saint Martin on March 26, 2022, where I was subbed on and made my debut.
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Test Scores
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High School Information
High School:
Lyford Cay International School
Academic Accomplishments
Honors Classes:
Yes. At Lyford Cay International School IB classes are considered Honor Classes. The Honor classes I am taking are High-Level Geography, High-Level Business and Management, Standard Level Spanish, Standard Level Mathematics A.I, Standard Level English, and Standard Level Biology.
AP Classes:
Yes. As of going into 11th grade in the 2021-2022 school year. The classes I am taking are High-Level Geography, High-Level Business and Management, Standard Level Spanish, Standard Level Mathematics A.I, Standard Level English, and Standard Level Biology.
Registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center?
Awards, Achievements and Activities
- I have received the MYP certificate.
- I plan to receive the full IB Diploma after graduation.
- Third place in the national spelling bee.
- House captain at my previous school.
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