Personal Statement
Juan Pablo Romero Vásquez was selected as a Planetary Geologist and Outreach Officer for the L’SPACE workforce program (NASA) in the summer of 2023 to work on a mission concept academy (MCA) doing research on the dwarf planet Ceres.
Also, in the summer of 2023, Juanpa is going to be participating on the 2023 MC REU program with Penn State University with Fernando A. Soto doing research on CNT/Si solar cells.
As an undergraduate at Penn State University he is a Division III soccer player, work-student, and was recognized for his honors participation on campus. Juanpa is pursuing a B.S degree in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Astronomy.
Juanpa is a volunteer of the Fundación Vida Azul organization. He looks for opportunities like scholarships, college activities, and programs where he can learn about the work industry outside of college. His dream is to help NASA with space exploration as an Astronaut.