Personal Statement
In the future, I wish to pursue a career in the medical or dental field, and for my work experience I attended the Birmingham Children's Hospital, in Birmingham, England. The Birmingham Children's Hospital is special because they work with many young people who've had a difficult start as a result of life threatening illnesses, and in my time there it showed me that this field of work is for me. This is because you are able to influence the lives of many people, by using your own knowledge and expertise to make their lives just a bit easier, when they are going through an unimaginably tough stage in life. Furthermore, I knew that this field of work is for me, because when I spoke with many medical professionals they all showed me how rewarding their jobs can be, and despite the tough obstacles that you must overcome to get there, I am always committed to my academics as much as my sport, to ensure I get the grades to be able to pursue a career in one of these fields in the future. So that I can help shape and influence the lives of others by giving back to those in less fortunate circumstances. Whilst doing my work experience, I learnt that like sport it’s a team game, and that everyone must work together despite their differences to achieve the end goal, and that communication is key. I found this when the head surgeon chose me to coordinate one of the operations, so that I could demonstrate my leadership skills off the pitch and in a totally new environment. Being able to do this showed me that life is about being a leader on and off the pitch and this is something I will remember and carry with me for the rest of my life.