Personal Statement
For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed about going to an American Div 1 or 2 college. When I began swimming, I was still unaware that swimming could allow me to get into some of the most academically and athletically renowned colleges in the world. As a keen and hardworking swimmer, I like to think I have an immense amount of room for improvement in every stroke and event considering my current achievements. In my opinion, my strengths are bringing an encouraging atmosphere to the team which, in return, allows myself to perform better. I have always loved to watch NCAA I and NCAA II Championships because of the culture and spirit around them. Living in Melbourne, we only get the opportunity once a year to swim for our team Competing in AGSV and experiencing the electric atmosphere. My main goal is to keep improving and be the best athlete I can be, if I can do that and I'm good enough, hopefully the academic will follow.