Personal Statement
I am not really a person who drags a team down. Being an international student who is also a citizen of America and a resident of Florida I understand the differences of learning and experiencing new things with others while also supporting each other . For my internship in The Bahamas I had to make the hardest decision of my life and take a break for swimming which made my passion for swimming and becoming way better at it. I have nothing but love when it comes to the water from me wanting, From rebuild coral reefs to me wanting to swim for hours. My life is always about water and always going to be about it so when it comes to swimming its my happy place and I support everyone when I am happy because its a good thing to be happy but its a better thing to support others who surround me from my team mates to the parents of the swim team and especially my coach. I have an impact on my team because of my reliability and the focus that has everyone around me to feel nothing but comfortable . Thank you for letting me express myself and I hoped you enjoyed :).