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Victor Freyer-Udedike ‘27 Recruiting Profile

  • Lincoln Community School
  • Heusenstamm, INTERNATIONAL
  • Men's Volleyball
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Victor Freyer-Udedike's Men's Volleyball Recruiting Profile
Dominant Hand:
Prim. Position:
Sec. Position:
Standing Reach
7ft 4in
Block Jump
9ft 11in
Approach Jump

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Personal Statement

Hello My name is Victor Freyer and I would want to take my volleyball game into college level and even to Pro level. Throughout my life, I played various sports but none of them seem to be to my liking. I played baseball, basketball, soccer, track and fields, and ballet. I then discovered volleyball in the 7th grade but started playing at the start of 8th grade. I only played for my school and have not yet discovered a club. I did gymnastics on my free time to gain flexibility which has helped me throughout my volleyball journey. The transition from all the sports I have done throughout my life, transferred well into volleyball. I started being so obsessed with volleyball that I barely do anything else in my free time than play volleyball and watch volleyball matches. In my school we had a sports competition called WAISAL(West African International Sports Association League), I participated in that in 8th grade and competed in volleyball with around 5 more schools. I then received the MVP award for it. As I went into 9th grade, I kept playing volleyball and also made it into the varsity team as a starter. I played middle blocker because my coach told me that I had great reflexes in the air and i don't only have a great jump but I reach my highest point quickly. Since then I have stayed as a middle blocker. The same WAISAL competition was held but I could not go due to my mothers decision, so the school had a pre-competition tournament with many schools that are in our country Ghana. I was put into the junior varsity team because the now varsity was for people who were going to WAISAL. I was a strong pillar for my team and we made it into the finals and then beat the WAISAL participants. I then received the All Star awards. As for my academics, I have always been a solid student. In 8th grade I received the presidential award for achievements and in the 9th grade, I maintained a solid report card. I tend to smile a lot and talking is my 2nd hobby. I just can't wait to approach someone I haven’t met yet. In other words, I am very social person that gets along with everyone. 


Additional Sports

  • Soccer
  • 3 Years
  • Sophomore Team



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High School:
Lincoln Community School

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