Personal Statement
Hello! My name is Brosnan d'Arville, My volleyball "journey" is still quite new and I hope to be able to continue it by playing in college and I have aspirations to play even after that! I have been playing sports my entire life giving me a very diverse background and skillset that I am able to look back on which helped me in my development of skills for volleyball. Some of the sports I have played competitively in the past include football, flag football, rowing, and sailing. Most of these sports were team-oriented which allowed me to develop a high sense of team cooperation and grasp the importance of working with teammates. This has allowed me to quickly adapt to the communication needed when playing the sport of volleyball, as unlike many other sports, one good player cannot simply make a team in volleyball, for a team to do well the whole team must be at a certain level and also have the team chemistry to be able to play well together and have the plays run smoothly similar to gears in a clock which have to work perfectly in harmony for it to work.