Personal Statement
The volleyball attracted me because of its complexity. I would not say that I am a person who searches for easy ways, and because of that, I achieve high results in sports. I started playing volleyball thanks to my dad, who owned a sports forum and trained amateurs. I practiced a lot myself, with my dad, and eventually entered high level sports. Volleyball is not the first sport I am doing at a such high level. I started my path in taekwondo, and it was a difficult journey when all the awards were literally gained by a fight. The main thing Taekwondo taught me was discipline. This is the most important skill for an athlete. By having discipline, you may achieve any level you wish. I entered volleyball because it was my childhood dream to participate in such a beautiful sport. When I entered my first women team, most of the players there were much more experienced; however, the constant self-improvement allowed me to reach the level that I wished for, and now I compete at the same level as my peers. Discipline is essential for results, you have to follow the chosen path and deal with emotions at the same time. Sport is not easy, but hard work leads to high achievements.