Personal Statement
My name is Julia Appelgren and I'm from Sweden and 17 years old.
I was introduced to golf at a young age thanks to my family. We live close to the course and it's always been a very natural place to spend time, both with my family but also with my great teammates. At the age of 11 I started practising with a team and soon after I started competing. This summer I won my first big competition with a score on 72, 73.
I am a very outgoing person who really appreciates meeting new people and learning new things and that is why I am now looking for an American college to play competitive golf at. I really enjoy being a part of a great team and I always try my best to contribute with good energy. I have been to the United States three times before, traveling and visiting my brother who played competitive golf in Florida.
I am really looking forward to attending college next fall and playing a lot of great golf. I hope you find my profile interesting and please feel free to send me a message if you have any further questions.
Best regards,