Personal Statement
My name is Sharifah Aiysyah Tijan Binyahya. I am 16 years old. I am 5' 5" and weigh about 140lbs. I live in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia and am currently studying in Year 11 and will be graduating in March 2021. In 2018, I scored a GPA of 3.3 in the public exam. Other than golf, I participated in tennis, swimming and Tang Soo Do. Besides being involved in other sports, my interest in golf was strongest. Schoolwork consumes most of my time due to the hours taken by golf training and tournaments. My favourite pastime is listening to music and reading. I was involved in traditional dances at a very young age for my school and social events. Being a prefect in school, I am directly involved in student counselling. Thus, I would like to be a psychologist.
My introduction to golf was coincidental. I was 9 years old when my dad brought me to the driving range for his practice. I was surprised that golf is actually an interesting sport. Shortly afterward, my cousin gave me his junior golf set. My interest grew when I enrolled for lessons at the golf club. From the age of 10, I started to participate in various tournaments. I have played at State levels, National levels, and International levels. Some of the tournaments I have competed in were Inaugural Gavin Green SportExcel Junior Amateur and MSSM Golf 2019. My best game thus far would be the recent 21st Sarawak Chief Minister's Cup International Junior Golf Championship 2019 with scores of 75, 76, 76.
Golf has taught me to be patient, disciplined, honest and relaxed to the situations and with the people around me. I hope to have that spirit and attitude with a future college golf team. Thank you so much!