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Sara Sedovšek ‘25 Recruiting Profile

  • Žirovnica, INTERNATIONAL
  • Women's Rowing
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Sara Sedovšek's Women's Rowing Recruiting Profile
Veslaški klub Bled
Prim. Position:
Open Weight
Sec. Position:
Open Weight
2K ERG Score
6K ERG Score
  • 2024 Spotlight

Personal Statement

I started rowing in 2019, by pure chance. I had the opportunity to try rowing a tourist wooden boat and the feeling positively caught me by surprise. I wanted to try more. Since day one of rowing in Rowing club Bled, Slovenia, I have been fully commited to the sport. I guess the main reason is the feeling of freedom and speed when I am on the water. There have been bad days, but I have always managed to get myself back up again. This year is my 6th season as a competitor on a national as well as international level. Recent race in Florence, Italy:

I would describe myself as a highly adaptable, hard working, disciplined and a team-player athlete, ready to reach for the stars. A dream of mine is to compete at the Olympics, so I am looking for a school where I can improve to the best version of myself. I am ready to work untill my limbs fall off.

As for the academic achievements, I will list only the few highest ones:

-Completed 10 years of music school and  playing in a symphonic orchestra (flute), with winning awards on national / international competitions every year (7)

-excellent grades every year of elementary school (5/5 gpa) 

-4,45 gpa for 1st of highschool and 4,08 and 4,16 gpa for 2nd  and 3rd year

-bronze and silver national awards in fields of: Geography, Physics, English, Mathematics

I can say I am a very dedicated student if I want to be, that being said, if I study something that interests me. My main fields of interest are Air transportation (aspiring to become a pilot) and Film & photography (prefferably sports).


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