Personal Statement
My Name is Fabienne Lilian Poser, but everybody calls me Lili and I’m 16 years old. I was born in Munich, Germany. My family and I moved to Tokyo, Japan, when I was in third grade. After three years, when the big earthquake hit Japan in March 2011, we moved to Varese, Italy. We lived there for two years and finally moved to Beijing, China, where I have been living for four years now since. I am attending the German Embassy School Beijing (DSP) where I will finish the German high school diploma, called “Abitur” in May 2018.
Having lived in four different countries with completely different cultures, having seen many different places and having gotten to know many kinds of people definitely influenced who I am today. The continuous changes also presented obstacles that I had to overcome throughout my life like building new friendships over and over again or succeeding in new environments, especially schools after regular changes. As a result, I consider myself being cosmopolitan, tolerant, open-minded and adaptable to anything new.
Despite all the changes in my life my love for sports has always been a clear focus of mine. Even though soccer was my favorite sport already at the age of seven, I embraced every possible opportunity to also do other sports. I played handball from kindergarten until fourth grade. This was when I first experienced team spirit. When I was three, I started skiing and am still a passionate skier and snowboarder. Today I play volleyball and basketball and do track and field athletics in school in addition to roughly seven hours of soccer training plus one match day a week.
By playing soccer I have learned much about myself. I am competitive and dedicated to win as well as ambitious and hard working, ready to give all I got. By playing soccer I have become a divine team player. As (left) wing or outside midfielder I love to dribble down the line and then set the ball in front of the goal, providing a perfect assist for my attacking teammates whenever they are in a better position than myself to score the goal. From playing soccer I have also learned to never give up. Defeats have indeed taught me to deal with setbacks and to learn from them instead of giving up. Because of doing many different kinds of sports with high intensity my schedule is always completely full, and adding school I am always on the go. But as a result, I have learned to organize myself. Also off the field I am disciplined and independent and fulfill my duties reliably. At academics I set myself challenging targets and give my best to achieve them. In high school I aim at getting very good grades and am eager to follow lifelong learning. Also I want to create a broad basis of knowledge for life and my future studies.
My goals for college are to study a subject related to sports. For example am I interested in sports management, linking the fun of sports with business concepts. What sets me apart from others is my passion, determination and strong will towards improving and succeeding in soccer as well as in school. I would love to join a passionate team and together build a great team spirit in college soccer. It is my dream to study in the US and to connect this with playing as much soccer as possible as well as to compete at high levels.
I definitely want sports (especially soccer) to be a part of my professional life.