Personal Statement
I started and discovered my passion for swimming at the age of twelve, which is significantly later than many of my peers. However, that is only one of the challenges I've faced on my journey to becoming a collegiate swimmer. In fact, my swim journey is pretty unique. I’m an American teenager, I attend an American High School, but I’ve never swam for a team in the United States. I first started swimming competitively in Sicily, Italy. My Dad is active duty Air Force and we move a lot. I currentry live in Germany and swim for two different teams: an American team on the base, and a local German team. Swimming internationally has been challenging. I’ve had to overcome language barriers, cultural differences, and even travel to different countries to compete. These challenges have gifted me with amazing opportunities, but more importantly they’ve taught me how to adapt and be resilient. I’ve formed relationships with coaches and learned how to adjust to their various training styles. I’ve also learned how to fit in and become friends with new teammates. Teammates who practice together, travel together, and encourage one another to always do our best is one of my favorite parts about swimming.
My other favorite part about swimming is being a competitor. I love to challenge myself each and every time I get in the pool. I’m a goal-oriented person by nature. I’m constantly setting new goals, and nothing feels better than crushing them. Whether I’m setting a new PR, qualifying for German Junior Nationals, or beating my rival to the wall, at the end of the day I work my butt off and it feels great knowing I did my best. I am a strong swimmer who is coachable, adaptable, and resilient. I’m really looking forward to swimming at the collegiate level. I’m up for the challenge and excited to find a team that's a great fit for me.