Sophia does not have a video yet, but here is a SAMPLE of an NCSA professionally edited video
- Sample Video
Personal Statement
Swimming is quite interesting in Peru... Just as a swimmer is moving up the ranks at a local swim club in the USA, the pressures of swimming in a country like Peru is amplified. For me, the joy of improving and climbing the ranks in a limited-resourced location has improved my appreciation of the sport for the long term. Dealing with the "have" and "have nots", parental power plays, club power plays, and coaching agendas has helped me to prepare for the real world a bit better.
I am fortunate that my parents try to put their full efforts into my desired endeavors. Whether it's in academics by placing me into a safe and reputable school or in my activities by finding the best groups, clubs, and/or sports instructors. In the end, I know to do the things I love and work to be the best.
I hope to continue this path on a collegiate team in the future.