- 2018 Highlights
Personal Statement
My name is Kaliyah Albury. I am 16 years old and currently in Grade 11 at St Augustine’s College. I am a honor roll student with a gpa of 3.10 and above. Outside of school I swim competitively. I swim with Mako Aquatics Club everyday of the week from 5pm-7pm. When competing I swim the distance events, which include 800m,400m freestyle and the 5k open water swim. Currently I am 2nd in the country in the 400m free, 2nd in the 800m free and 1st in the 5k open water.
I am a determined young lady. Once I put my mind to something I try my hardest to achieve what I want. In college I would like to major in biochemistry. I know that this is a hard field to major in but I am willing to put my first foot forward to get my degrees. Being determined is also mainly how I got where I am in swimming today. I would like to be matched with the best school possible that will promote me in being a good student athlete.