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Nicole Bergman ‘26 Recruiting Profile

  • American Nicaraguan School
  • Women's Tennis
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Nicole Bergman's Women's Tennis Recruiting Profile
Prim. Position:
Sec. Position:
USTA State Rank

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Personal Statement

Hi, I'm Nicole, and I would love to tell you a bit about myself. First, I'd like to start by sharing how much I love tennis. There are few things in life that one finds, falls in love with, and stays passionate about. For me, that's tennis. Ever since I was a little girl, I have LOVED sports. Like most little girls, I hadn't found a pastime I was passionate about, so my parents signed me up for everything. I went from Tae-kwon-do to dance, swimming, gymnastics to literally anything until I finally found tennis. My first clinic was at a local community center we had been members of for a long time. I started with one clinic a week, then two, then three, and soon enough, I was playing tournaments. Since I was usually the tallest of my age group, my serve was my biggest weapon. As the years passed, my tennis improved, and my strokes became stronger and stronger. I switched clubs a couple of times and learned a lot from different professionals, and each day I fell more and more in love with the sport. After a while, tennis became my happy place.

Whether it was a bad grade, a fight with my two other siblings, or a disagreement with a friend, tennis was (and still is) where I went to feel better and focus on myself. I was playing so well and excited to be on the middle school tennis team. I had never been on a team before, and I was so excited to give my all to my team and a sport I was passionate about. Then, Covid hit. My 7th grade year was all homeschooled. That didn't stop me from bettering my game. I played daily and went to the gym to work on my fitness. In 8th grade, I was on my school's tennis team.

In 9th I made the varsity high school team, and now, in tenth, my doubles partner and I have won our conference tournament. Tennis is and will forever be my passion and my personality. I am so excited for my future in this sport I love, and I am beyond prepared to give it my all. I am passionate, driven, committed, and thrilled to attend college and pour my heart on the court. I am a team player, and I love to support my team. My goals and tennis range anywhere from collegiate to pro, I am willing to put in the work to do my best to give my one hundred percent on and off the court. 


High School Information

Coach References

  • Travel / Club Coach
  • Calvin Davis



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Test Scores

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High School Information

High School:
American Nicaraguan School

Academic Accomplishments

Honors Classes:
Yes. Honors english 9 Honors chemistry 10 Honors world history 10 Honors Geometry 10 Honors Spanish 3 Honors Spanish 4
AP Classes:
Yes. Ap Environmental Science Ap Literature
Registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center?

Awards, Achievements and Activities

  • Activity
    • Spanish honors society. LLS Fundraising member Babysitting

My Info

Contact Information

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