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Alexia Estrada ‘25 Recruiting Profile

  • CNED
  • Cuernavaca, INTERNATIONAL
  • Women's Tennis
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Alexia Estrada's Women's Tennis Recruiting Profile
Prim. Position:
Sec. Position:
Universal Tennis Rating
ITF Junior Rank

Personal Statement

Hi my name is Alexia Estrada and I am a Mexican girl who was born in San Diego and has been playing tennis ever since the age of 9. I started competing when I was 10 and throughout my tennis experience I have competed in various occasions inside and outside the USA. 

After living in San Diego for two years (from 2015-2017) training in Barnes Tennis Center, I started playing national tournaments in Mexico and got ranked number 1 by the FMT in U12, I also played various Cosat tournaments in Colombia and Ecuador that same year and USTA tournaments in California. 

After, in U14 I was part of the Mexican national team for the 2021 U14 World Junior Tennis Finals in Prostějov. I also won the masters Cottec U14 that same year and won a spot in the ITF juniors team to play the Eddie Her and Orange Bowl while traveling with them. 

In my 1st year of U16 I represented my state in Mexico (Morelos) for the CONADE finals (national mexican junior Olympics) and got gold in singles. That same year I won an FMT (federación mexicana de tenis) national tournament in singles and doubles. Then for my second year in U16 I lived in Nice France for a whole school year and trained 10 months there in the south.
When I came back to Mexico in 2023 I started playing ITFs and have been doing online school ever since. I started training almost 6 hours daily like I did in the Pandemic from Monday to Friday and started traveling around Mexico to play ITFs. This year (2024) I was runner up in Rosarito J30, won the J60 in doubles in Mexico City and was runner up in doubles J60 Querétaro.

Academically I have always been a great student, one of the best of my class. I have been in the French school system for almost over 8 years and can speak Spanish, English and French fluently.

I am looking for a school with a competitive team who can challenge me both in my Sport and Academically. Thank you !


Coach References

  • Private Coach
  • Quetzali Dafne Vazquez Montesinos



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Test Scores

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High School Information

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Academic Accomplishments

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Awards, Achievements and Activities

  • Award
    • Mention Très Bien - Brevet

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