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Gabriela Guacanes ‘19 Recruiting Profile

  • Colegio Champagnat
  • Ibague , LA
  • Women's Tennis
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Gabriela Guacanes's Women's Tennis Recruiting Profile
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Personal Statement

I feel that I think as a person, and not as a student, I seek to enter a university that continues to encourage me, and invites me to develop as a better human being, as a better professional, as a help to change the world little by little, and not as someone who only seeks to work to earn money.

I feel that at this moment our planet needs more humanity from us, more help, more understanding, less prejudice, less machines, that is my purpose when studying a university career, I have a strong character that lies in the usefulness that I can provide as a person for others, show how I can stand out and impact my community in a positive way.

I have great things to give, great ideas, projects and dreams, I have a long way to go, so I think it is necessary for me to choose my place and place of study according to my ideals, I think it is the most fundamental basis for the good integral development of a person.

For me it is very important to start my life, change places and walk through new beginnings, that is why I began my university process as an international student, in the United States.

I am a complete, integral and effective person and athlete

I hope to enter this university and impact with my study, my sports performance and my future endeavors.

I hope you give me your trust to start this process together.

You always remember… “impact with your light, but impact positively”


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Test Scores

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High School Information

High School:
Colegio Champagnat

Academic Accomplishments

Registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center?

Awards, Achievements and Activities

  • Award
    • •recognition of effort and spirit of work •Decorated as the best player in my academy in 2019
  • Award
    • 2020 . •Awarded 2 years in a row as Athlete of the Year at my high school. • Champagant math challenge winner

My Info

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