Personal Statement
I have been doing track since late 2022 inspired by my younger sister who also used to participate in the sport. During the early stages of me being introduced into the sport, I only viewed it as a hobby but as I have progressed further into the world of athletics, I have now grown to have a strong passion for the sport and actively developing the urge to grow my skills and to perform at my best ability. I am new to the college recruiting process, being from London my knowledge on colleges in America is quite scarce but, through information given by my family iving the US, I have learnt that my opportunities at excelling in this sport reside in american colleges with track and field programs. I consider myself as a very determined person with a strong work ethic and I will do anything that is required of me to be the best possible athlete I can be. I also percieve myself as an introvert person however, during my time in this sport I have been able to expand my social skills and make new friends. With the help of any coaches who choose to be apart of my journey I hope to discover my potential and see whether I have what it takes to compete at college level.