Personal Statement
Hi! I'm Mila Trkulja and I'm from Zagreb, Croatia. I'm seventeen years old and I started doing triathlon in 2020, despite COVID-19 taking over the world. I joined a small triathlon club after spending a lot of time wandering around in different sports. My sports career started when I was three years old when my parents signed me up for a sports school. Later on, when I was six I decided to start doing judo, which I trained for four years before hopping onto track and field, specifically middle-distance running at the age of 10. I was youth Croatian champion in duathlon races in 2021 and 2022, triathlon youth Croatian champion in 2021 and vice-champion in 2022. In 2023 I finished as a fourth junior, and in 2024 I have two medals on Duathlon Nationals; a silver medal in supersprint duathlon (8th in senior) and gold in sprint duathlon (5th in senior). I also competed in Aquathlon Nationals this year where I finished first in junior and as a fourth senior. Nationals this year were in August, and I competed in the Sprint race where I finished 1st junior and 4th senior! I'm also 3rd senior in the Croatian Triathlon League.