Personal Statement
I have been playing volleyball since I was 7 years old and volleyball has now become a part of my life. All the decisions I make and all the plans I make are shaped by volleyball. One of the most important examples of this is the high school I am currently attending. Although the score I got from the high school exam was enough for higher schools that are better academically, the fact that the high school with the best volleyball team among them was Uskudar American Academy made me choose this high school. Despite the training I did every day of the week, I had the opportunity to enter one of Turkey's most exclusive high schools in the high school exam I took. Apart from the decisions that guide my life, volleyball has created an order for me, ensuring that my daily work, homework, free time, and many other activities are organized and planned. In addition to these, of course, it had great advantages in the formation of my character. Thanks to volleyball, I became a person who can make faster decisions, be more successful and harmonious in group work, lead the group if necessary and gather everyone together, solve problems more easily, and continue on my way believing that I can do it right every time rather than focusing on the mistakes. Also, playing with those who are older than me and playing in the top leagues in our country created a great experience for me. It improved my understanding of the game better and predicted the actions of the opposing team faster while playing. The national team camp experiences and the different teams I played with helped me to adapt to different teammates faster.