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Maria Eduarda Baptista ‘23 Recruiting Profile

  • Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique
  • Women's Volleyball
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Maria Eduarda Baptista's Women's Volleyball Recruiting Profile
Dominant Hand:
Prim. Position:
Sec. Position:
Block Jump
7ft 8in
Standing Reach
6ft 5in

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  • Sample Video

Personal Statement

My name is Maria Eduarda Taylor Baptista I'm currently 17 years old. I was born and raised in Mozambique, Maputo. I'm currently studying at the Portuguese School of Mozambique (EPM-CELP).

Volleyball has been my passion since 2020, during quarantine I had nothing to do and I just decided to watch sports on TV and then volleyball came out, I fell in love with it but I wasn’t the same passion I have now. The moment I picked up the ball I knew that this is what I wanted to do in my life, I felt like I finally found my passion and a meaning for my life. Then I started playing at school and then in March 2022 I joined a club here in Mozambique, with great coaches and amazing teammates, I had the opportunity to be training with the best players in our country and that made me realize that I want to be like them to!

What began as a casual activity quickly turned into a serious commitment, and I have since devoted countless hours to improving my skills on the court. I'm now having practices four times a week and I play both at my school and at a volleyball club AAM (Associação Académica de Maputo) which is part of a university UEM (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane).

Volleyball has taught me many valuable life lessons, including the importance of teamwork, communication, and above all perseverance and just enjoying and having fun. In addition, this sport has also provided me with a sense of community and belonging. The bonds I have formed with my teammates have been some of the strongest and most meaningful relationships in my life. we have supported one another and grown as individuals and as a team.

Volleyball has also taught me the value of hard work and dedication, I work on my fitness and conditioning off the court every day, because I know that every effort I make is helping me improve and get closer to my goals, because I live with the motto that says “Rather be dead than live without passion” and “that nothing gets worse due to practice”. I believe that if I have the passion and the obsession over my sport I can achieve many goals in this field.

Overall, volleyball has been an incredibly rewarding and enriching part of my life, because when I'm playing I forget all of my problems and just focus on one thing. I look forward to continuing to play and grow in the sport, and I know that the lessons I have learned through volleyball will serve me well in all areas of my life.


High School Information

  • 2023 Sophomore Team
  • Jersey: #12
  • 2023 Sophomore Team
  • Starter - Jersey: #12

Additional Sports

  • Tennis
  • 1 Year
  • Freshman Team
  • Beach Volleyball
  • 1 Year
  • Freshman Team



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Test Scores

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High School Information

High School:
Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique
258 21 481 300

Academic Accomplishments

Honors Classes:
Yes. Biology and Mathematics.
Registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center?

Awards, Achievements and Activities

  • Award
    • I have won two merit awards
  • Award
    • one solo and one collective social merit award.
  • Activity
    • I volunteered in two beach cleaning last year (2022) and this year (2023) regarding the World Clean Up Day. I am currently a director of the public relationships of UPA (association united for the environment) of the Portuguese school of Mocambique. As director of UPA's public relationships I was able to get a 9-month partnership with a local magazine
  • Activity
    • Xonguila
  • Activity
    • and I am also responsible for managing the team that writes the articles
  • Activity
    • so that they can be published every month. I ran as vice-president for the school's student association.

My Info

Contact Information

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Mailing Address

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