Personal Statement
I started wrestling in 2008 at the age of four. I have been south African Youth champion in 2018 and 2019 in Greco roman wrestling and took part in the ISF Combat games held in Budapest for a 5th overall position. I have received national Cadet U17 colors to represent South Africa at the African Continental tournament in Marrocco in 2020 but the tournament was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic.
Due to the current political situation in South Africa, it is very difficult for a white male to be accepted at a university. Even if you do get accepted it will almost be impossible to find employment. South Africa is in a state of near collapse with neglected infrastructure and bankrupt government owned entities. I plan to study criminology which is a people serving career. I also plan to apply for permanent residency in the USA due to the political and financial state of my country. Therefore I am not applying for a scholarship with the intention of just getting a good education and then leaving the USA after graduation.