Men's Track Recruiting / Colorado / Denver, CO / Rocky Mtn School of Expeditionary Lrng / Keegan Mulvey

Keegan Mulvey '23 Recruiting Profile

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Keegan Mulvey Men's Track recruiting profile image
ClubSouth Denver (REAL)
Primary Position100M
Secondary Position200M
Dominant HandLeft
Pole Vault11ft 9in


Video of 100M Relay - Anchor100M Relay - Anchor

Personal Statement

Keegan Mulvey

There is nothing like the zone, that feeling of being entirely in the moment, no distractions, no outward thoughts, just the drive, and motivation to complete one task. Almost everyone experiences it at least once in their life, and many strive to find the zone whenever possible. I have found myself in the zone quite a few times, sometimes it’s the backstretch of the 200m dash during a track meet. The stands cheering as loud as they can, their claps thundering across the track, but none of it reaches your thoughts, all you can think about is the feeling of your heart trying to escape your chest, your feet pounding the track with a hypnotizing rhythm, and the sight of the finish line ahead, your eyes are stuck on that sight and unable to move. Other times it’s the still silence of the forest of the Colorado Trail. The only movement is the slight sway of the pine trees in the wind, the flies that buzz around your head incessantly because of the smell that has formed from backpacking for 3 weeks, and the gears in your mind, turning constantly, engaging your mind in deep thought that you hope never has to end.

As an athlete and a student at Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning (RMSEL), I seem to find the zone quite often and have learned the power that my own mind has on my body. At the begging of the year my crew which is a quarter of the high school consisting of students from all four grades   went out on a 3-week backpacking trip along the Colorado Trail. This trip happens every year and I feel that it has been so impactful on my mindset and my outlook on myself and the world around me. Whenever I retire from this trip a soon start preparing for the upcoming Track season and I set an intention or goal that I want to follow for the rest of the season and onto my everyday life. 

I believe that to see any change in yourself or the world around you, you must put in the work, which will take a high level of effort and dedication. I work to be the best version of myself whenever I can, either on the track, in the classroom, or with my friends. I know it’s not easy to work for change but I keep a quote in mind whenever it gets hard. “Continuous effort - not strength nor intelligence - is key to unlocking our potential. There will be many obstacles along the way and the journey will be long and disappointments will be plentiful - but perseverance, discipline, and continuous effort, will get you to your destination always. -Winston Churchill. I take the idea of continuous effort everywhere I go, the gym, the track, the classroom, with my friends,  or with my family. I believe that this idea works everywhere and are words to live by. 

To not put your fullest into everything you do is a waste in my eyes, if you’re going to work, then work hard, if you’re going to party, then party hard. The zone is just your mind shutting out everything that it deems unnecessary to your goal during that moment. My life has drastically changed after that first backpacking trip and now I choose to make every moment count and improve myself at every turn.


High School Information

  • Years w/ Varsity
  • 1 year
  • 2021 Varsity Team
  • Team Awards
  • Conference Champs

Club Information

  • Seasons of Club Experience
  • 1 season
  • 2022 South Denver (REAL) (REAL Track Men)

Coach References

  • Zack Whimbush


Event2021 Varsity Team
Long Jump18' 10
Triple Jump37' 5



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