Personal Statement
Hello, my name is Mollie I am 14 years of age, I am a fast and muscular person. I am a strong believer in fitness and would love to take up a career in football (soccer). My future goals would to be to go on and play professionally out in the states and also represent my country England, I would also like to take up sports science so i have a back up plan if I don't make it as a professional player.I would be a good candidate because I will work hard and I am very determined to make it as a footballer. I'll will take in the advice I would be given from coaches and peers to improve myself to the best of my ability. I am a very bubbly and all round happy person, I'm a very social person and don't have a problem making friends. I also want to get a good education out of it all. I'm in high sets at school and am doing academically well through out all my subjects, athletically I am a fit person who is always making room for improvement technically and physically linked to my chosen sport.